0815 Cracky

I'm a


About Me

I'm Cracky and

Hi! My name is 0815Cracky. I am a Web Hoster and Gamer, I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work. I run all Websites and Services on my own, I use OpenSource Projects for many parts, like Nextcloud, Pterodactyl or many other applications.


Quality Services

  • Server Hosting

    It's a lot of fun, you have the nearly unlimited power to do what ever you want, like Gameserver...

  • Web Hosting

    Web hosting is the backbone of the internet without it, it would be boring...

  • My Message

    Do what ever you want to do (aslong it's legal) we all have limited time on earth, be creative!

  • Social Media

    Don't follow me on Instagram or anything there is nothing important^^

Are you interested in working with me? Let's get started now!


Featured Work

  • 0

    Current Servers
  • 0

    Projects Finished
  • 00

    Days On Earth
  • 0

    Total Energy Drinks

Latest News

  • The not very polular community of myra.nz and DRKZ.eu will be creating a new Minecraft Project for the end of this year!

    We want to presnt to you a very uniqe expierence, we'll include SMP's, Gamemodes, Modded Servers with selected mods and modpacks. More information will follow soon!

    Never then less, we can't provide you with more information as we don't want to spoil the fun!


Get in Touch

Please fill out the form on this section to contact with me. Or message me on Discord: @0815cracky

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